Why just one day or 6 other days prior to the main day as Rose day, Propose day, Chocolate Day, etc… are the only days that are important to express your true love? For me, this all is just brandishing. Well, of course as being a girl I would like/love if someone gave me roses or chocolates or even a cute teddy… But as one grows up, becomes little sensible. Then one day I got married and met this lovely man of my life. Our wedding took place in a blink of an eye. We didn’t have enough time to understand each other as we are two different individuals. The difference of opinion, not speaking much, feeling low, all this took place while we also started getting to know each other.
Months passed and it was our first Valentine’s day as a couple. He made my day very special by putting lovely decorations. To be honest, from what I know him as, he isn’t that kind of person and doesn’t believe in all these days. He is a very simple man and hasn’t done any of this in his life. But he did it and made everything look wonderful. But as the time passed and we started getting all the more closer, we started to understand how life works, especially after marriage, things aren’t always like ” love is in the air”. There is more to it. The level of maturity, sensibility, taking care of each other, everything matters.
This is how we build our love, our relation, our marriage. What is most important I feel in any relation is that you “respect” each other. So just by giving some flowers/roses, teddy, chocolate, isn’t just love. This all is materialistic. And I don’t deny you mustn’t do it. It does make your partner feel nice/special. But then why just on these days in February? A thing my husband believes in is, ” for me, I love you every second of my life, then why should I just celebrate my love and express my feelings on just one day, when there are other 364 days in the year where I can love you”?
So to all you lovers, or all of you who are falling in love, celebrating this Valentine’s day, do celebrate it! But, also cherish, build and grow your love each and every day. Love is a gift, not all receive it. Let that special person in you life know each and everyday that how much you love him/her in your special way. Those 3 magical words can make one’s day.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all you people in love…