I have always heard different opinions from every single woman who is become a mother of one, two or three kids. All their pregnancies have been a completely different experience. A little did I know when I came to know I was pregnant. Oops! We are pregnant! Although we being ready to enter the new phase of life, I still got butterflies while I heard this news and my husband was overjoyed! While his happiness knew no bounds, I was also prepared for what was coming along the way.
So here is I share a little of our experience of the first trimester.
The first one and a half month just passed with all the excitement of the thought that we’re going to have our first baby. I eat as normal people. But, the next one and a half was a bad experience not because of nausea & vomiting (hardly happened, Thank God!) but, because I could barely eat any food! And being a vegetarian, the source of protein was only cheese, cottage cheese and egg (we eat eggs, eggetarians!) Forget all these, I could almost eat nothing and if felt hungry I just survived on milk and other fluids. It really freaked out my husband thinking that I wouldn’t eat how will the baby get any nutrition. But I was helpless too. I just couldn’t stand even normal food. But one good thing, I made sure to have plenty of fluids which didn’t freak me out at all.
We both had a real hard time. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know what would I like even if he makes. Poor guy, he has suffered a lot, not physically but mentally because of me. I have always loved cooking, but I couldn’t even take or stand it. Days passed crying, being sad, feeling bad for our baby as things were just slipping out of our hands especially mine. In spite trying so hard, experimenting new recipes, new ingredients, nothing worked. I gave up, but my husband didn’t as he gave me all that could fill us up (baby and me). I survived with it and with my husband’s and God’s grace, me and baby are perfectly okay and now we have made it to the second trimester. I have improved a little like 10% with my eating habits (I know it is not at all good).
With all my experience and others, all I can say is we all are different. All our body answers differently. So do not panic. Make sure you speak to your doctor/OB/gynaecologist about anything and everything. You will pass that phase. And, if you have a loving family and caring husband, you will move the mountains even. I did it, I am sure you too will.
Take care of yourselves. It is just a matter of time and it will pass.  🙂